Does your precious angel have a tummy ache? While kids come down with upset stomachs for numerous reasons, they’re generally no cause for concern.
However, that doesn’t mean you want your child to suffer. Fortunately, you can treat most tummy trouble the natural way — through foods that you can feel good about feeding them. Here are the top 10 foods for stomach ache soothing.
1. Ginger
Did your caregivers always reach for the ginger ale when you were sick as a child? Their hearts were in the right place, even if their methods weren’t the most effective. One woman notably sued Canada Dry ginger ale because it lacked sufficient levels of the medicinal herb.
However, you don’t need to give your kids sugary pop to soothe their stomachs. A cup of hot tea could do the trick — you can shave a bit of the root right into your pot. If your child isn’t vomiting, a small cookie containing the root herb is a comforting touch.
2. Saltines
You probably reached for these gems to calm your morning sickness while you were expecting. Guess what? Saltines, like any bland, starchy food, can soothe an upset stomach.
There might be no reason for consuming bland foods other than they are easier to keep down when you feel nauseated. While you don’t want to eat if doing so sends you running to the toilet, going without food when sick deprives your body of the calories and nutrients it needs to recover.
3. Rice
Rice is another bland food that you can give a tot with a tummy ache. Many toddlers gravitate toward the tiny grains that they barely need to chew to swallow.
While plain is the name of the game, you can add a little flavor. If adding a pat of butter will only spur nausea, try cooking it in chicken broth. The bone broth adds valuable protein, nutrients like calcium and flavor.
4. Potatoes
Rounding out this list of bland foods are potatoes. Your mind probably gravitates toward russets in American culture, but you have a world of spuds from which to choose.
Sweet potatoes are a wise choice because their high levels of beta-carotene convert to vitamin A in the body. This antioxidant helps your child fight off the germs upsetting their stomachs. Cassava is a starchy root typically eaten in South America, but which roast up flavorfully with herbs — a little rosemary also offers antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
5. Mint
Mint has a longstanding reputation as a stomach-soothing herb, but you must proceed with caution. Some varieties, such as peppermint, can cause the very symptoms you intend them to treat — start with small doses and gradually increase.
In many individuals, though, the essential oils in mint calm spasms in the stomach that can lead to cramping and bloating. Now you know why so many over-the-counter (OTC) antacids contain the ingredient. If you find wintergreen and peppermint too harsh, some children respond well to a tea made from lemon balm and the aforementioned ginger root.
6. Applesauce
Alternative medicine practitioners believe that the pectin in apples can treat conditions from gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) to diarrhea and inflammatory bowel conditions. However, when you are nauseous or have an upset stomach, eating raw fruit probably holds little appeal — and your child feels similarly.
Instead, serve them a bowl of applesauce to get the goodness while taking some of the digestion off their hands. Try to steer clear of brands laden with extra sugar and instead serve an organic, unsweetened variety.
7. Oatmeal
Oatmeal could fall under the bland foods category, but the filling fiber this morning meal contains can soak up troublesome acids, too. Children aren’t immune from conditions like GERD, and if your toddler suffers, this food could help.
Fiber in general is advisable for kids and adults alike. Although your body can’t digest it, it feeds the beneficial bacteria in your small intestines. A healthy breakfast on any morning — not only a tummy ache one — is a cup of the stuff with some apples and cinnamon or bananas and blueberries.
8. Chamomile
You might know of chamomile tea for easing you into dreamland. All that antispasmodic goodness can also help heal an upset tummy.
What if your child doesn’t like the flavor of herbal tea? While many children turn away from the bitterness, adding a bit of non-dairy milk can help without upsetting their tummy further. Stay away from traditional dairy, which can exacerbate stomach woes if your child struggles to digest lactose.
9. Papaya
Papaya contains an enzyme called papain, which helps break up foods irritating the stomach, and chymopapain, which breaks down proteins and promotes healthy stomach acid levels. What’s more, is that you won’t have to struggle to get your child to enjoy the treat.
You can slice the fruit into chunks. If your child is too nauseous to chew, mashing it into an applesauce-like paste can help.
10. Watermelon
Diarrhea and vomiting dehydrate your child, but depending on their unique physiology, plain water might cause further upset. One way to get them the fluids they need is through watermelon.
Foods like watermelon and cucumber contain high water levels to replace your child’s supply. However, many toddlers prefer a sweeter treat.
When Your Baby Has a Stomach Ache, Soothe It With These 10 Foods
When your child has a stomach ache, soothe it with one of these 10 foods. You can feel good about giving them wholesome nutrition that contains healing magic.